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Invite other Users to join your project

Inviting other users to your projects will allow you to collaborate with them

Djouher Mezahem avatar
Written by Djouher Mezahem
Updated over a week ago

Important Notice : You can invite other users only from the web Version of Bulldozair

  1. Choose the project that you are working on

  2. Click on the "Team" Tab on Top of the Tool Bar

  3. Click on the (+) icon in the down right corner of your screen

  4. You have 4 Possibilities to invite other users :

Send multiple invitations to Several Users

  1. Select "Add Several Users" from the option List

  2. Type all the e-mail addresses of the members you wish to invite to your project. (One e-mail address per line !)

  3. Click OK to send the invitations.

Send an invitation using another project

  1. Select "Add from another Project" from the option List

  2. Choose the project from which you want to import contacts

  3. Check the box of the users to whom you want to send the invitation

  4. Click OK to send the invitations.

Send an invitation using a Contact Book

  1. Select "Import participants from your Bulldozair contacts" from the option List

  2. Select the Contact Book" on the left side of the window from which you import your contacts

  3. Check the contact you wish to add to your project, or "Select All" at the top of the list to select all contacts in your contact list

  4. Tap on the Save icon down right to send the invitations

Add a new user

  1. Select "Add New User" from the option List

  2. Type the e-mail address (this step is mandatory), then you can fill in the information related to this user.

  3. Click OK to send the invitations.

Once you added all the users; you can choose their "Role" that will define their permission level.

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