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How to add tags to a task?

Using Tags allow you to organise your project informations

Djouher Mezahem avatar
Written by Djouher Mezahem
Updated over a week ago

WebApp Version

  1. Click on the task to open it.

  2. Click on the "Add Tag" button.

  3. Select the tags you would like to add.

  4. Click on "Add" to add them to your task.

Android Version

  1. Go to your project and click on your task.

  2. Click on the Tag icon

  3. Select your tags, then press OK .

iOS Version

  1. Go to your project and click on your task.

  2. Click on "+ Add a new tag"

  3. You can either select an existing tag or create a new tag by pressing "+" at the bottom right, then press Done

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