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Scheduled Reports

How to schedule a report in Bulldozair?

Djouher Mezahem avatar
Written by Djouher Mezahem
Updated over a week ago

Bulldozair can generate your reports automatically for certain tasks in your project. You just need to schedule your report with the frequency you need.

  1. Go to the "Reports" tab, then "Scheduled Reports".

    ➕ Add a scheduled report

  2. In the Report Setup window, set the title, frequency and filters to specify the content of the programmed report.

    Example: the report bellow is called "Weekly To Do List".

    The report is generated every Monday, at 9am.

    The report will contain only the tasks :

    - Whose status is To do

    - Assigned to a "Username"

    - That have been created in the previous 7 days (the new tasks of the last week)

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