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How to make a site visit with Bulldozair ?

Using Bulldozair to control the daily progress of construction sites

Djouher Mezahem avatar
Written by Djouher Mezahem
Updated over a week ago

🚨 Important Notice 🚨

Make sure to synchronise your mobile application Bulldozair (Phones and tablets) with the correct project before visiting the field,

This step is very important, because it allows you to have access to all the project informations !

⚡️ To simplify the procedure in 5 easy steps : ☺︎ ⚡️

1️⃣ Choose your project and the right folder

2️⃣ Each Task refers to one subject / zone / operation

3️⃣ Take your Photos 📷 & write your Descriptions ✏️

4️⃣ Share your Tasks with others 👁

5️⃣ Use the Tags to organise your Tasks 🔖

Using Bulldozair on Site

  1. 📱 Once on the field , open the Bulldozair app from your mobile/tablet and click the tab "TASKS".

    You can open any file/folder dedicated to your project visit.

  2. 🆕 Each Task refers to one Subject / zone / operation.

    You must name the task with the same name of the Subject / zone / operation.

    Exemple bellow: "Voila béton Nord RdC"

  3. Take your Photos directly from your mobile/tablet, and write on your Descriptions

    💡 Extra Tips 💡

  4. 👥 Assign the created Tasks to the related Person/Company; and don't forget to make your Task Visible to others👁

    💡 Extra Tip 💡

    All Tasks created inside the same folder inherit the same visibility criteria

  5. 🔖 Use the Tags to associate the Tasks with the right category;

    Also using the Tags will help you find easily your Tasks later on.

  6. 🔁. Keep going with your field visit, and move to the next point

    Your Tasks List at the end of your site visit

    After the site visit

  1. 🌐 Connect to a good Wi-fi and press the Sync Tab 🔁 to save your work

Complete Video

After the site visit

  1. 🌐 Connect to a good Wi-fi and press the Sync Tab 🔁 to save your work

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